dimanche 1 juin 2014

Ma rencontre avec Vaju

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During the last four years I have been travelling to India twice. Since I was 15 I felt India in me in innumerable and subtle ways. I had read the Bhagavad Gita and felt would have liked to be in India. To me it was always a matter of feeling intensely beyond distances ... The Spiritual Tradition of India is part of my spiritual quest that dates back to my youth, when, after a car accident, "to find God" became the Essential goal of my life. Being close to death  at the age of 12 (and not at 11 as I've written elsewhere) had made me aware both of my fragility and of the need for Answers and Love. Moved by this fear/need  I had asked my mother for books to nurture my soul. The first book I got was "The third Eye" by Martedì Lobsang Rampa, then a History of Greek philosophy and a History of Religions, followed by the Bhagavad Gita, the Bible, etc. During the 7 years that followed I read a lot with passion, emotions, lucidity. My soul was extremely vigil, her little voice through my heart had become my closest friend. The relevant issue to me was then the following one: if God is Love as I feel, there must be a Coherence in all His Revelations throughout the History of Humanity. During my reading of those years I felt so much reassured and happy at every new little "discovery" making my soul echoing through. This made me also feel a profound connection with all human beings  without limits of space and time. 

At the age of 18, some relevant questions had shapen in me bringing my quest to a turning point. I was then asking myself how to reconcile the different faiths and believes as to some relevant contents. My inner "guide" was not enough, the stuff out there, too complex and tangled. There were so many things I needed to know. I wanted a path, clear rules and also a way to reconcile His past Revelations, and, if any, His own Revelation/s for this time. I could not exclude even that, so intense my need of Him was, and to my eyes, it seemed not just simply Coherent but even Necessary and Auspicable, that God, in a time so difficult as our time today, could decide to come again to help those whose minds and hearts had been entrapped into false knowledge, dogmas, etc. He needs - I thought - once more to be able to speak and reach all the countries, all the faiths, in all the languages of the world in order to help the people to find Him at the deeper level of the Conscience, the only one that changes the Faith into deep Awareness and shivering Love. 

One evening before sleeping I told myself that I had learned all I could and to the best of my efforts, but my Questions were so many and I needed His Answers today, clear and powerful. That night I asked God where He is for Christianity, since the Church had definetely betrayed the Spirit of the Christ and manipulated the truth. I told myself that if God is, He cannot be silent. I took the Gospel in search for an Answer there, and while reading John, was stuck by the Christ promise to send the Spirit of the Truth to tell humanity the entire truth that people were not ready to understand at that time. It was exactly what I needed: I wanted Him to explain to me, with plenty of details and clear understanding, the mechanism of Reincarnation and so forth, all the truth revealed to the East thorugh the past...  The East and the West had to come together. I had launched a sort of "ultimatum" to Him. If you do not answer to me, I won't believe You any longer and all in me will perish, deprived of a meaning. It was my sister that, on the following day, came with a leaf announcing a conference on Reincarnation and the Christianism of the Origin, held by Universelles Leben. It was the Prophetess of God for our time, Gabriele von Wurzburg (see the link above). It was the first "Big" Answer I received. The others were to come.

My entire life is and has been studded with beautiful experiences consiting in witnessing Answers to Prayers: direct, precise, sometimes delighfully astonishing ... One of these "Experiences" is related to the Veda chanting. It was several months after being back from India where I had been listening to the chanting of the Veda, and to two chantings, in particular. My effective knowledge of Induism was yet very limited and superficial, so once I asked God to let me experience Brahma. If God is One and Unique He is also manifested in every Revelation given to Humanity and each of them reflects in sounds and forms etc ... something I could define as divine aspects, characteristics of the Divinity, of God in Its Immensity. The peoples of the world are also manifestion of this beautiful diversity and multiplicity that the creation of God is. After this prayer, one night I woke up with an intense physical need of listening to the sounds of the Veda. I had never experienced such a feeling before. In India I had bought some Cds and books with translations of the Sanscrit texts in English. So I chose the one with the chantings I had already been listening to in India and that night, while sitting in my bed, was  listening to them again with a profound need to let deep in me both the word and the sound as a powerrful Vehicule to the Meaning, in order to have It entirely penetrate me. I was following the chanting without detaching my attention and 40 minutes later went to bed and fell asleep. Some time passed and I found myself into a conscious, powerful Experience involving my whole being.
I was in a substance made of air in movement. It was "sound and substance" at the same time... The sound was "Vaju" and it was increasing in a progression, together with the turbulence: a whirpool made of air (like sap) in movement, the movement of a mighty wind growing up in power, speed and intensity together with the sound: "Vaju" ... They were one and the same:  Substance and  Sound. I was completely into It, and since aware and not asleep any longer I got really scared and had to stop it. It was completey out of any possible control. Immediately after this I went to look into the chants' book but could not find the word "vaju" in it. So I started searching for that into every single book of the Veda collection until I found it. The sound vaju really existed and it was the sanscrit word for wind. At that time my search did not go any further. Only some months later I found an article written by a scholar of Vedanta  concerning Vaju as a Manifestation of Brahma (see the link below). 

When such "extraordinary" things happen to me, I feel astonished, happy, so much at peace, to the point that my "Faith" in God is today so rich of connections, Answers, Experiences ... God is One, God IS and this is the only Truth to be shared through the unique, infinite Experiences that each one of us can make of Him in his/her own life. The Truth was not given either to stay frozen in books, or to divide the people ... It was and is asking to be experienced to make of us witnesses of It and to free us from the chains of our limited mind. This is the goal of every Revelation. Their forms, colors, their beautiful sounds, the ways He/It manifested Itself/Himself through time and space for all the people of the world are so Beautiful. It is such a blessing to be able to enjoy sparks of His Grace from within. His Grace is the Pearl:  the question and the answer mirroring each other. If God is, That cannot be changed, and no doubt It is worth making the effort ... the good effort coming from the  Heart ... with infinite love and gratitude.    http://www.vedanet.com/2012/06/vayu-rahasya-the-secret-of-vayu/
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3 commentaires:

Miche a dit…

Ne voudrais-tu pas traduire en français ?
Mais peut être une raison toute particulière pour que tu ne l'aies pas fait ?
Bien à toi, Merciel

Merciel a dit…

Oui Miche je le traduirai avec plaisir …
J’ai écrit en anglais car raconter tant de choses en français m’était apparu trop difficile … J’aurai besoin de temps pour le faire bien, mais je le ferai … tu me rends heureuse … je t’embrasse … de tout mon cœur

P.S. Á propos des langues, j’ai étudié l’anglais et le russe, ma langue maternelle est l’italien et le français m’a été appris par ce blog ...je le parle aussi … même si en solitude … ;-)

J’aime tant la sonorité des langues, ils suscitent en moi quelque chose de magique qui a à faire avec le son … Ils sont si physique … pour moi parler une langue c’est habiller/caresser mon âme en son, chant … c’est comme si les mots, leur sonorité, fuissent intégrés au niveau du corps et de tout l’être …. C’est quelque chose qui surgit, une musique qui vient parler du dedans. Je l’aime tant …

Miche a dit…

Lol, merci Merciel. C'est un don les langues...
Douceur vers toi.